New York and New Jersey Airports Workers Need A Contract NOW!

Thousands of airport workers at JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark Liberty International Airport are currently fighting for family-sustaining minimum wages, affordable and fair healthcare, and meaningful paid time off. The rising cost of living in the Tri-State area has outpaced wage increases, making it hard for workers to make ends meet. 32BJ members are now calling for a raise to $25 per hour, alongside paid time off and employer-paid healthcare. 

Airport workers are essential to maintaining the safety, cleanliness, and efficiency of our airports. 32BJ SEIU represents security officers, terminal cleaners, baggage handlers, and wheelchair agents. These workers play critical roles in keeping our airports secure and clean. However, they often face long and expensive commutes and other hidden costs tied to hazardous work conditions. When airport workers earn fair wages and benefits, we create safer, more efficient airports for everyone.

New York and New Jersey Airport Workers are Fighting For:

  • A family-sustaining minimum wage: Currently, airport workers earn $19 an hour with no scheduled increases beyond 2023. Workers deserve a raise this year, with a path to $25/hour. The Port Authority should build upon its previous recognition of the importance of airport workers by increasing their wages.
  • Affordable and fair healthcare: The New York Healthy Terminals Act (NYHTA) currently requires an hourly healthcare supplement of only $4.54, which has not increased for years despite rising healthcare costs, while the New Jersey Healthy Terminals Act (NJHTA) provides a higher rate pegged to the federal Service Contract Act (SCA) at $4.98 per hour. To achieve parity and ensure fair healthcare for all airport workers, the Port Authority should set a minimum healthcare supplement across all airports it oversees that matches the SCA rate. Without this change, thousands of airport workers will lose quality, employer-paid health insurance.
  • Meaningful paid time off: The Port Authority currently leaves paid time off policies to state discretion, resulting in inconsistent standards between New York and New Jersey airports. Because of differences between the NYHTA and the NJHTA, New Yorker airport workers are not guaranteed the same vacation and paid holiday standards as all Port Authority airports. This uniformity is essential for retaining a well-trained and experienced workforce, ultimately enhancing the security and efficiency of the airports. 

Show your Solidarity with Airport Workers!

  • Share our posts on social media and help us raise awareness about their fight for fair wages and better working conditions. Together, we can create a fairer, more equitable future for these essential workers and safer, more efficient airports. 
  • Commit to standing with airport workers by providing your email address below. By signing up, you agree to receive updates and take action to support airport workers in their fight for fair wages and better working conditions.

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