Tri State Contract Highlights

Commercial Contract 2023


Your 32BJ Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative agreement for a new commercial contract!

Fair Wage Increases

Our agreement guarantees a wage increase of $3.25 per hour over the four years of the contract. Oct 1, 2024 – $1.00 / Oct 1, 2025 – $1.00 / Oct 1, 2026 – $0.40 / Oct 1, 2027 $0.85

Minimum Wage Rates

* Pension expands to members in universities, malls and commercial office buildings and complexes that are 300,000 square feet or more on 1/1/2026. Pension expands to members in commercial office buildings and complexes 250,000 square feet or more on 1/1/2027.


  • Expanded pensions to more workers throughout Fairfield
  • Added Juneteenth as a paid holiday
  • Won sign one, sign all: if a company is unionized here, they must be unionized in all areas where SEIU has contracts
  • Won extended recall rights in case of layoffs or immigration issues – up to 12 months
  • Ensured no waiting period for new hires to take Training Fund classes
  • Won pay when a worksite closes due to an emergency, provided the contractor gets paid
  • Use of cell phone apps is optional, not mandatory
  • Improved sexual harassment protections, including sexual assault
  • Improved anti-discrimination language
  • Protected our 100% employer paid healthcare
  • Protected and improved our reduction in force language, requiring employers to demonstrate a proportionate elimination of work and to bargain before any reduction
  • Protected against employers arbitrarily changing the workweek and hours

NOTE: This is a summary of the major changes to the union contract. Once the contract is ratified, the union will distribute copies of the agreement to all members that will have the final, legally enforceable language.

Commercial Contract 2023


Your 32BJ Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative agreement for a new commercial contract!

Fair Wage Increases

Our agreement guarantees a wage increase of $3.25 per hour over the four years of the contract. Oct 1, 2024 – $1.00 / Oct 1, 2025 – $1.00 / Oct 1, 2026 – $0.40 / Oct 1, 2027 $0.85

Minimum Wage Rates

* Pension expands to members in universities, malls and commercial office buildings and complexes that are 300,000 square feet or more on 1/1/2026. Pension expands to members in commercial office buildings and complexes 250,000 square feet or more on 1/1/2027.


  • Expanded pensions to more workers throughout Hudson Valley
  • Added Juneteenth as a paid holiday
  • Won sign one, sign all: if a company is unionized here, they must be unionized in all areas where SEIU has contracts
  • Won extended recall rights in case of layoffs or immigration issues – up to 12 months
  • Ensured no waiting period for new hires to take Training Fund classes
  • Won pay when a worksite closes due to an emergency, provided the contractor gets paid
  • Use of cell phone apps is optional, not mandatory
  • Improved sexual harassment protections, including sexual assault
  • Protected anti-discrimination language
  • Protected our 100% employer paid healthcare
  • Protected and improved our reduction in force language, requiring employers to demonstrate a proportionate elimination of work and to bargain before any reduction
  • Protected against employers arbitrarily changing the workweek and hours

NOTE: This is a summary of the major changes to the union contract. Once the contract is ratified, the union will distribute copies of the agreement to all members that will have the final, legally enforceable language.

Commercial Contract 2023


Your 32BJ Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative agreement for a new commercial contract!

*North Jersey Suburbs includes Bergen and Mercer


• Combined contracts for Long Island, New Jersey, Hudson Valley and Fairfield County into one agreement covering 10,000 workers
• Expanded pensions to workers in New Jersey Suburbs starting year 3 of the contract
• Increased pension amounts for Newark and Hudson Waterfront workers in year 1
• Added Juneteenth as a paid holiday
• Won sign one, sign all – if an employer is union with 32BJ anywhere they have to be union everywhere SEIU has contracts across the country
• Won extended recall rights in case of layoffs – up to 12 months
• Won the Training Fund for new hires without any waiting period
• Use of cell phone apps is optional, not mandatory
• Protected anti-discrimination language
• Protected our 100% employer paid healthcare
• Protected against employer’s proposal to remove sexual assault protections
• Protected our reduction in force language, requiring employers to bargain before any reduction
• Protected against employers arbitrarily changing workweek and hours

*Wage increases happen on October 1st of each year. All benefit rates are effective January 1 each year.

**Based on year-end rates. Does not include cost of paid time off, consisting of vacation, holidays and sick days.

Commercial Contract 2023


The 32BJ Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative agreement for a new commercial contract and is urging members vote to ratify it.


The minimum wage rate increases $3/hour over the life of the agreement — a 19% increase in the wage rate


Employees receive either the minimum wage rate or the wage increase, whichever results in a higher rate of pay.


Paid time off Includes average of 2 weeks paid vacation, 11 paid holidays, 2 personal days, 10 sick days and 2 clinic days.

*Benefits includes health, legal and training fund contributions


• Combined contracts for Long Island, New Jersey, Hudson Valley and Fairfield County into one agreement covering 10,000 workers
• Added Juneteenth as a paid holiday
• Protected our 100% employer paid healthcare and other benefits
• Won sign one, sign all – if an employer is union with 32BJ anywhere they have to be union everywhere SEIU has contracts across the country
• Won longer recall rights in case of layoffs or to adjust immigration status – up to 12 months
• No waiting period for new hires to take Training Fund classes
• Use of cell phone apps is optional, not mandatory
• Improved sexual harassment protections, including for sexual assault
• Protected against employers arbitrarily changing the workweek and hours
sey, Hudson Valley and Fairfield County into one agreement covering 10,000 workers
• Expanded pensions to workers in New Jersey Suburbs starting year 3 of the contract
• Increased pension amounts for Newark and Hudson Waterfront workers in year 1
• Added Juneteenth as a paid holiday
• Won sign one, sign all – if an employer is union with 32BJ anywhere they have to be union everywhere SEIU has contracts across the country
• Won extended recall rights in case of layoffs – up to 12 months
• Won the Training Fund for new hires without any waiting period
• Use of cell phone apps is optional, not mandatory
• Protected anti-discrimination language
• Protected our 100% employer paid healthcare
• Protected against employer’s proposal to remove sexual assault protections
• Protected our reduction in force language, requiring employers to bargain before any reduction
• Protected against employers arbitrarily changing workweek and hours

NOTE: This is a summary of major changes to the union contract. Once the contract is ratified, the union will distribute copies of the agreement to all members that will have the final, legally enforceable language. 

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