Union Representing 4,000 Immigrant Workers in Virginia Endorse Jennifer Boysko’s Bid to Replace Jennifer Wexton in the State Senate

Julie Karant: 646-584-9001, jkarant@seiu32bj.org

Union Representing 4,000 Immigrant Workers in Virginia Endorse Jennifer Boysko’s Bid to Replace Jennifer Wexton in the State Senate

Arlington, Va. – Members of the Service Employees International (SEIU) 32BJ today announced their endorsement of Jennifer Boysko’s bid to replace State Senator and Congresswoman-elect Jennifer Wexton. The union represents 4,000 office cleaners in Northern Virginia, who overwhelmingly immigrants from Central America. 32BJ members are inspired by Boysko’s strong advocacy for immigrant rights, a $15 minimum wage and support for contracted workers in their successful fight for a living wage at Dulles and National Airports.

“Jennifer Boysko’s track record on behalf of immigrants, who are vital to Virginia’s economy is invaluable in this hostile environment,” said 32BJ SEIU Vice President Jaime Contreras. “Working families are grateful for her co-sponsorship of legislation to increase the Commonwealth’s minimum wage to $15 per hour, and know she’s fully dedicated to improving their lives.”

As a Virginia State Delegate, Boysko championed legislation for Dreamers who were brought to this country by their parents, gained an education, became gainfully employed and even served our nation in the military.

With more than 163,000 members in 11 states, including 17,000 in the Washington, DC metro area and Baltimore, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.



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