Leaving the Paris Accord Will Leave Millions at Risk

Leaving the Paris Accord Will Leave Millions at Risk

The following statement can be attributed to Hector Figueroa President of 32BJ SEIU:

“By leaving the Paris Accord the Trump administration, once again, is proving that they are in cahoots with the rich and powerful, at war with the facts and blind to the needs of working families in the U.S. and across the globe. Trump may want to run away from Paris but here is a fact he cannot run away from: everyone is being affected by the ongoing climate crisis. By withdrawing from the only international tool we have to start addressing climate change, millions will continue suffering while the corporate do-nothing crowd – helped by an administration of the 1% for the 1% — reaps the benefits. As a labor union dedicated to social and environmental justice, we denounce this act of sabotage of the Paris Accord and remain committed to work with states and local elected officials to push for environmental protections that keep our water and air clean and our communities healthy and safe while demanding a just transition for all workers affected by a transition to a clean energy economy.”


With 165,000 members in 11 states and Washington DC, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property services union in the country.


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