Downtown Miami Bank Cleaners Protest Wage-Theft

Downtown Miami Bank Cleaners Protest Wage-Theft

Miami, FL – Janitors who clean the offices of Wells Fargo, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs in downtown Miami took it to the streets today to announce administrative claims against their employer, Jantrex Building Services, Inc., for unpaid overtime wages.

“We want justice,” said Marcos Guifarro, who has been employed by Jantrex at Wells Fargo’s office in downtown Miami for three years. “We work hard, really hard, and they are stealing from us? We deserve better.”

The janitors clean the Southeast Financial Center which is owned by JP Morgan Commingled Pension Trust Fund and where tenants include some of the nation’s biggest financial institutions. The cleaners are paid as little $7.67 an hour without access to affordable quality healthcare. According to the workers, at least two cleaners are owed thousands of dollars in unpaid overtime wages. More workers are planning to file claims in the following days.

“The fact that workers are not even paid according to federal law at this multimillion, luxury high-rise is especially heinous,” said Eric Brakken, 32BJ SEIU Florida Director.”These hardworking men and women keep some of the richest companies in the country clean and well-kept deserve better than exploitation and wage theft from Jantrex.”

According to a new report by Progressive State Network, “Cracking Down on Wage Theft” a sharp decrease in union membership and an increase in low-wage employment has led to a significant rise in wage theft, to the point that it is virtually ubiquitous in certain industries like cleaning services.”

With more than 120,000 members in eight states, including South Florida, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.

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