32BJ SEIU Statement on Trump’s Immigration Reform Plan

32BJ SEIU Statement on Trump’s Immigration Reform Plan

The following statement can be attributed to Hector Figueroa President of 32BJ SEIU one of the largest unions representing immigrant workers in the country:

“As a union representing 163,000 immigrant and native-born workers we remain committed to working towards a solution to fix our broken immigration system so all workers have full and complete access to the protection of labor, health and safety and other laws including a legal path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. A comprehensive immigration reform that lives up to our values as a country of immigrants cannot and should not divide families, disenfranchise millions of residents by creating a permanent underclass without voting rights or be based on arbitrary requirements that threaten people’s right to due process. The question now is: can this administration be trusted to lead on this issue after all the fear and chaos that has already torn apart immigrant communities across the country?

“Most Americans recognize the contributions of hardworking, taxpaying immigrants and are ready for a system that is humane and effective and legalizes those who are living in the shadows while keeping our nation safe, secure and globally competitive.

“We are a nation that respects hard work, family and the pursuit of the American Dream. Our immigration system must hold true to these principles.”

With more than 163,000 members, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.

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