32BJ SEIU Endorses Eric Schneiderman and Thomas DiNapoli

32BJ SEIU Endorses Eric Schneiderman and Thomas DiNapoli

NEW YORK—The executive board of 32BJ SEIU has voted to endorse Eric Schneiderman for New York State Attorney General and Thomas DiNapoli for New York State Comptroller. Both candidates have a strong record of fighting for working families.

“The men and women of 32BJ are proud to endorse Eric Schneiderman for Attorney General,” said Héctor Figueroa, president of 32BJ SEIU. “Eric’s record of fighting for justice and his deep commitment to standing up for working people has benefited communities throughout New York.”

“The millions of dollars Eric’s office has secured for workers who were ripped off by big corporations, and the convictions he has won against employers flouting prevailing wage, minimum wage and overtime laws has earned him the respect of our members,” Figueroa said. “We will turn out in force to make sure he is re-elected and receives another mandate to keep New York safe and secure for working families.”

“As state Comptroller, Tom DiNapoli has been a champion for working families, and we are proud to support his re-election,” said Héctor Figueroa, president of 32BJ SEIU. “He has fought corruption and guided the state’s pension system back to health, which will allow thousands of families to retire with dignity.”

“Tom’s integrity and ethical financial leadership has benefited all corners of New York,” Figueroa said. “Our members will be out in force to make sure Comptroller DiNapoli has another term and can continue his work on behalf of New York’s working families.”

32BJ SEIU has 75,000 members in New York, and a total of 145,000 members in 11 states plus the District of Columbia. Over the next few months, the union plans to do an extensive voter education drive, with canvasses and street events street as well as phone banks, mailings and community outreach.

With more than 145,000 members, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service union in the country.


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