32BJ SEIU Congratulates Bonnie Watson Coleman on Her Primary Victory

32BJ SEIU Congratulates Bonnie Watson Coleman on Her Primary Victory

New Jersey – The following statement can be attributed to Kevin Brown, New Jersey District Director of 32BJ SEIU:

“Tonight, members of 32BJ SEIU congratulate Bonnie Watson Coleman on her hard fought victory in the Democratic Primary for the 12th Congressional District. Now more than ever, New Jersey needs progressive leaders that will continue to fight and represent all the working families that have called this great state home. Bonnie Watson Coleman has a track record of fighting for workers in the legislature by pushing for prevailing wages for state subsidized work, fighting to raise the minimum wage, and voicing the need for paid sick leave.

We look forward to working together to ensure that New Jerseyans can continue to live in our cities, provide for their families, and strive for the American Dream.”


With 145,000 members in 11 states–including nearly 10,000 in New Jersey–32BJ SEIU is the largest property services union in the country.


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