32BJ SEIU Cleaners in Wilmington Win $15/hr., Now Fighting for Workers Across Delaware

Traci C. Benjamin; 215-300-0776; tbenjamin@seiu32bj.org

32BJ SEIU Cleaners in Wilmington Win $15/hr., Now Fighting for Workers Across Delaware

-Elected leaders, supporters to stand with workers as they demand a living wage -

Elected leaders, supporters to stand with workers as they demand a living wage


Dover– On the heels of winning $15 an hour in their new four-year agreement, 32BJ SEIU cleaners will hold a press conference and lobby day on Tuesday, January 14 at 1pm at the State Capitol to encourage lawmakers to push for a $15 an hour minimum wage for all workers across the First State. The members will be joined by elected leaders, supporters from the business community and various labor unions.


The push for $15 an hour is moving rapidly across the country, and Delaware is falling behind with its $8.75 per hour minimum wage. According to MIT, a living wage of $26.99 an hour is needed for one adult supporting one child in New Castle County. So far, neighboring states New Jersey and Maryland have taken steps to raise the wage by 2025 or earlier.


WHO: 32BJ members and leadership, elected leaders, members from the business community, labor unions

WHEN: Tuesday, January 14 at 1pm

WHERE: State Capitol, 411 Legislative Ave., Dover

WHAT: 32BJ SEIU cleaners will hold a press conference and lobby visits to elected leaders encouraging them to raise the wage to $15 an hour for workers across the First State

WHY:   Hardworking men and women need a living wage. Currently, more than 30% of Wilmington residents earn an income below the poverty level. Increasing the wage will allow workers to support themselves, their families and their communities.




The demand for $15 an hour started nearly 8 years ago when New York City Fast Food workers walked off the job for more money and a union. 32BJ SEIU cleaners in Delaware have been working over the years to improve their lives and gain a pathway to the middle class. Nine years ago, they were earning only $7.25 an hour with no meaningful benefits. They organized and joined the union and have fought for and won annual raises, benefits for full-time workers, days off, and a voice on the job. This week, they negotiated a new four-year agreement with their employers that will see the majority of the workers earning $15 by the end of the contract. The deal is subject to ratification this weekend.


These cleaners want to make sure all workers in the First State have an opportunity to better their lives and provide for their families. The victory for cleaners shows how employers and workers can work amicably to reach a deal that benefits all.



With 175,000 members in eleven states and Washington, D.C., including 22,000 in Pennsylvania and Delaware, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.



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