Robert Hill

Robert Hill

Executive Vice President

Rob Hill is Executive Vice President and head of the Airports Division. He is also a member of the SEIU Executive Board and oversees the national airports organizing campaign.

Rob joined 32BJ in June 2000 as lead organizer, stepping in at the start of a strike that went on for four months. Three years later he became Deputy Organizing Director and was appointed as Director in fall 2005. Serving under the last three Presidents, his tenure has been marked by unprecedented growth, totaling in more than 100,000 new members. In 2008, under Rob’s leadership, 32BJ organized 10,000 new members into the union, the largest single-year organizing total in 32BJ’s history.

“The more members we have, the more powerful we are and more we can win for all workers,” Rob says. “We want to be a leader, an example that, even in these tough times, working people are coming together to improve conditions both in their jobs and their communities.”

Before coming to 32BJ, Rob organized with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in New York, Baltimore and the South and with the Fraternity of Nurses and Healthcare Professionals in Kansas City.

He was born in Manhattan, grew up in Long Island and attended Rutgers University in New Jersey. Rob lives in Brooklyn with his wife Autumn Weintraub, their son Josef and two cats.

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