Manny’s Weekly Roundup 11-10-23


Members Take the Street as Bargaining Approaches Deadline

As negotiations heated up this week before the New England district’s commercial contract expires for 12,000 cleaners on November 15, members took action by filing ULP charges and rallying at major buildings. The actions peaked Thursday, November 9th, with appearances from Boston and Cambridge elected officials, including Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui and City Councilors such as Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler, who tweeted his support outside Takeda as his first official action as a Cambridge Councilor-elect.

Bargaining Starts for NYC Commercial Contract

On Thursday, November 9th, bargaining launched for the NYC Commercial Contract Campaign covering 20,000 32BJ members. The 32BJ bargaining committee sent a powerful message to the Realty Advisory Board that we will not tolerate any cuts to our health insurance, that workers need a raise and they demand improvements to our pensions.

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