Sick and Tired, Allies Stand Together for Paid Sick Legislation

Sick and Tired, Allies Stand Together for Paid Sick Legislation

Pittsburgh – This morning, a coalition of organizations that include faith-based, women’s rights groups, community groups and labor unions, united this morning at the City County Building Portico to launch a paid sick days campaign in the city. The coalition is calling on City Council to pass an ordinance providing for one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked.

“This policy will not just benefit workers. Employers will benefit because they will increase their retention rates and decrease their annual recruiting and training costs,” said Alexis Payne, from the Women and Girls Foundation.

Nationally, at least 43 million people don’t have a single sick day. Currently, at least 50,000 hardworking city residents have no sick days. Those impacted the most due to lack of this benefit are women and people of color.

“It makes no sense that people work and don’t have access to paid sick days. It’s not if but when an illness happens, I want the comfort in knowing I can fully recover and still be able to earn a salary,” said Steve Kelley, a commercial cleaner.

“I work in the service industry as a server. I am sure patrons don’t want me anywhere near them let alone their food if I’m sick. Passing this legislation is the right thing for Pittsburgh,” said Estelle Becker.

“As a nurse, I see how quick the common cold or flu spreads. I can’t afford to be sick; too many people depend on me,” said Michelle Boyle, Healthcare PA.

Eighteen cities, including Philadelphia and three states across the country have adopted paid sick day laws.




32BJ SEIU, SEIU HCPA, AFT, Allegheny Group of the Sierra Club, UFCW Local #23, United HERE, Planned Parenthood WPA, Women and Girls Foundation, Women’s Law Project, Fight for $15, ROC, Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN), Action United, One Pittsburgh

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