App Driver Pay Increase, A Huge Victory for Labor Allies

Amity Paye,, 617-504-4492

App Driver Pay Increase, A Huge Victory for Labor Allies

The following statement can be attributed to Héctor Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU:

“Today’s Taxi and Limousine Commission vote on improving pay for New York City app drivers is the result of more than a year of organizing by the New York Taxi Workers Alliance with support from the members of 32BJ. We couldn’t be more proud of 32BJ members’ work in support of NYTWA’s organizing.

32BJ doormen, security officers, airport workers and building cleaners have mobilized over the past year in this fight for good family sustaining jobs. Together with NYTWA, our members lobbied, rallied and spoke at hearings in order to win more for our brothers and sisters who struggle to make a living as professional drivers in New York City.”

“Meanwhile companies like Uber continue to attack their rights at work. As drivers have amassed support, Uber has continued to increase passenger fares while cutting driver pay. This Taxi and Limousine Commission vote today is a step in the right direction for app drivers who are struggling in our city. This pay policy will put a stop to driver pay cuts, but we also need to ensure that app drivers are not cut out of the fare revenue that Uber takes from passengers. We urge the Taxi and Limousine Commission to fairly implement this pay increase by taking tips into account rather than trusting app dispatch companies like Uber to average drivers’ pay per month. We will continue to work in coalition with NYTWA to unite and win a raise for all drivers in every sector, whether they are Uber drivers, yellow taxi drivers or livery drivers.”


With 163,000 members in 11 states, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property services union in the country.

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