32BJ’s Essential Workers Join Massive Voter Engagement Effort to Elect Joe Biden

CONTACT: 32BJ SEIU—Amanda Torres-Price, 617-314-5840, aprice@seiu32bj.org
Biden for President—Michael Feldman, (215) 620-4343, mfeldman@joebiden.com

32BJ’s Essential Workers Join Massive Voter Engagement Effort to Elect Joe Biden

This Weekend, 700-Plus Union Volunteers to Phone Bank in Key Battleground State

Pennsylvania –On Saturday from 11am-1:30pm, 32BJ SEIU cleaners, airport workers, security officers, and other property service workers throughout the East Coast will channel their outrage at Trump’s inaction into driving voter turnout for Joe Biden. Over 700 of these volunteers will phone bank voters throughout the key battleground state of Pennsylvania.

In July, 32BJ SEIU endorsed Joe Biden for President. 32BJ members see Vice President Biden as a leader with a plan to make it easier for millions of workers to join unions, as well as a public servant committed to breaking down the systemic racism and exclusion that keeps working families and communities from getting ahead. As essential workers from black, brown, and working-class communities ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic crisis, 32BJ members are committed to helping drive a sensible, compassionate leader like Joe Biden into office.

“Joe Biden has the strength of character than can bring us out of the trouble we are in now. Underfunded schools and the pandemic have put the failing of this administration in a stark light. Joe Biden has what it takes to turn things around,” said Reva Aber Butler, a school cleaner and 32BJ SEIU member in Western Pennsylvania.

“The members of 32BJ—essential workers on the frontlines of the Coronavirus crisis—are proud to support Joe Biden for president,” said Kyle Bragg, President of 32BJ SEIU. “Joe Biden will fight alongside us to protect essential workers who have fought on all fronts of our national crises from cleaning and security to airports. All working people are essential and we need a president who will do what is essential for us. Joe Biden will be that president. We’re ready to turn our outrage and energy into votes.”

32BJ members will continue to play an integral role in driving voter turnout through November. As part of the larger SEIU effort, member volunteers will focus on engaging members, their families and their communities, while expanding the electorate by turning out infrequent Black, Latinx and Asian American Pacific Islander voters in this fight for the soul of our nation with a Joe Biden this November.



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