32BJ SEIU Statement on Trump’s Proposal to Slash Immigration Levels

Eugenio H. Villasante 646-285-1087

32BJ SEIU Statement on Trump’s Proposal to Slash Immigration Levels

The following statement can be attributed to Hector Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU:

“President Trump’s immigration levels bill is a hateful gimmick that will hurt our economy, separate families and won’t create a single job for working Americans. Much like the Trump Administration’s deportation machine, this bill targets good people who make positive contributions to our economy and hurt countless communities across the country. Americans -by birth or by choice- will suffer from this legislation. President Trump’s suggestion that he is somehow protecting minority workers by restricting immigration is preposterous and insulting given how actively he has attacked worker and civil rights at every opportunity. Our union experience has been that all workers rise when we unite in our workplaces and neighborhoods to improve our lives for the better. This proposal is a thinly-veiled effort to further divide and weaken American workers with xenophobia in an attempt to distract them from the failing, anti-worker agenda of this administration. ”

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