32BJ SEIU New England Endorses Jason Lewis for State Senate

32BJ SEIU New England Endorses Jason Lewis for State Senate

The following statement can be attributed to Roxana Rivera Director of SEIU 32BJ New England District 615:

Boston, MA –“The members of SEIU 32BJ New England District 615 proudly endorse Jason Lewis in the upcoming special election for State Senate, said Roxana Rivera, District Director of SEIU 32BJ District 615, a union representing more than 18,000 property sector workers in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. “Mr. Lewis is committed to advancing our economy by improving conditions for working families. He shares our values and our priorities including ending the race to the bottom by creating good family-sustaining jobs with real living wage and benefits. As a State Representative Jason Lewis has repeatedly stood up for working people – not only in his district, but all across the commonwealth supporting worker-friendly policies such as earned sick days, and defending workers’ right to unionize,” Rivera said.


With more than 145,000 members in 11 states, including 18,000 in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire, SEIU 32BJ is the largest property services union in the country.

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