Washington, D.C. – The statement below is attributable to Jaime Contreras, Vice President of 32BJ SEIU on behalf of over 20,000 essential property services members in the D.C. area, including over 6,000 in Virginia and David Broder, President of SEIU Virginia 512 on behalf of frontline public service workers in Fairfax and Loudoun counties and Home Care workers across the commonwealth.
“As Black men and women continue bearing the brunt of both the COVID-19 and police brutality crisis, it’s crucial to shine a bright spotlight on the Portsmouth Police Department’s reprehensible and appalling action to ensure that we stop this kind of conduct dead in its tracks. We stand in strong solidarity with the Virginia Black Legislative Caucus’ demand for justice. This will only embolden Virginia’s voters to turn out in droves this November to keep such a shameful event as a relic of the past.”
With more than 175,000 members in 11 states, including over 20,000 in the D.C. area and Baltimore, MD, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.
SEIU Virginia 512 represents frontline public service workers in Fairfax and Loudoun counties and Home Care workers across the commonwealth. As public health nurses, mental health professionals, librarians, parks staff, home care workers, and more, we advocate for quality jobs, quality public services, and economic and racial justice for all Virginians.