32BJ Endorses Steven Fulop for Mayor of Jersey City

32BJ Endorses Steven Fulop for Mayor of Jersey City

Jersey City, NJ – 32BJ, one of the fastest-growing unions in New Jersey, announced today its endorsement of Councilman Steven Fulop for Mayor of Jersey City. As part of its endorsement, the union is committed to a voter outreach campaign in support of his election.

“As a councilman, Steven Fulop has fought tirelessly for working families,” said Kevin Brown, 32BJ SEIU New Jersey Director. “Steven brings new ideas to ensure that Jersey City has a flourishing economy to benefit all its residents. Our members are proud to support leaders who will make sure the voices of working people are heard.”

As an advocate for working and middle-class families, Councilman Fulop has been instrumental in expanding the Jersey City Living Wage Ordinance so more workers in city-subsidized buildings are paid decent wages and benefits.

“I couldn’t be prouder to stand with 32BJ because this endorsement represents the working families of Jersey City, the backbone of Jersey City, the heart and soul of the Democratic party and the future of our city,” said Councilman Steven Fulop. “As mayor, I will continue to work every day to make sure families have an opportunity to flourish here in Jersey City with good jobs, living wages, good schools, and safe neighborhoods.”

“We are facing serious challenges in New Jersey right now, and we need elected officials committed to fighting for working families,” Brown said. “Steven Fulop has always been an advocate for middle-class and working people. We are proud to stand with him.”

With 125,000 in eight states and Washington D.C., 32BJ is known for its strength in mobilizing members and voters to support endorsed candidates. During the 2012 state elections, the union spent more than $300,000 in ads and direct mail and political work in key races. In addition, hundreds of members volunteered to speak with voters about the union’s endorsed candidates.

“I’m ready to start knocking on doors for Steven,” said Israel Rodriguez, a 32BJ member who lives in Jersey City.  “I want to be sure the entire community knows that he’s the candidate who will help get City Hall focused on working families.”

With 125,000 members in eight states, including more than 9,000 in New Jersey, 32BJ SEIU is one of the fastest growing private sector unions in the country.

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